WBCS Personality Test Interview Preparation
Interview Preparation /Mock Interview for Group A & B Services of WBCS Main Exam 2020 is starting from 27th October 2022 with grooming session.
WBCS Main Exam 2020 written result is published for Group A and B, candidates are called for interview.
See the result here: https://www.wbcsmadeeasy.in/wbcs-group-a-and-b-main-exam-2020-written-result-cut-off-call-for-interview/
To attend Mock Interview and Grooming Classes by our expert faculty, WBCS Group A Officers and IAS (Retd.) officers, join our mock interview programme, starting from 27 Oct 2022.
2 Mock Interviews in weekends, Regular online grooming Class, Current affairs discussion & relevant studymat @ Rs 1999 (Kolkata and Siliguri). Mock interview will be conducted by Beard of IAS (Retd) and WBCS gr A Officers. Candidates will be given recording of their interview for improvement.
Fill up the form here for mock interview only if you have passed the exam in 2022 : https://bit.ly/Mock-Interview-All-Govt-Exams
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WBCS Personality Test Interview Preparation in West Bengal Civil Services Examination is the final hurdle to cross .Then there is smile for rest of the lives. The personality test carries 200 marks out of the total 1800 ( 1750 for Gr C & 1700 for Gr D) mark scheme of the Civil Services Examination Group A & B (150 marks for Gr C & 100 Marks for Gr D) based on which the final selection list is prepared.The success and rank of an aspirant is determined significantly by this small but important segment.
Unfortunately, it is not taken very seriously by most of the aspirants. It is sad to observe, by the time aspirants realize its potential, it’s already late. They hover in disbelief, how could their names missing from the list of successful candidates. How it happened even after managing some very good score in the main examination? This could scar one with painful regrets of life for not keeping prepared beforehand and getting out of the race while being so close to the target. Years of patience, dreams and committed hard work, amalgamated with long cherished personal, familial and social aspirations, all vanished. It happened in a second just for being carelessly loose laced at the final climb.
Not many candidates have managed to score over 100 marks according to the statistics of the past main results. There have been a shockingly high number of double digit scores on the final score-card, against the allotted interview scores. But, this does not mean that there is not much scope to overcome the hurdles of interview or it cannot be strategically prepared and scored well. Strategy in each step of WBCS Exam is very important.
The Nature of Personality Test:
The nature of personality test for the Civil Services Examination is different than those of the other services interviews. The candidates aspiring for Civil Services are going to be interviewed by a Board, already aware of their personal as well professional track record. They will be asked questions on matters of general interest, related to national and international importance. The object of the interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate for a career in public service by a Board of competent and unbiased observers .
They themselves are having excellent career profile as a bureaucrat under different capacities with years of experience in public services. The test is intended to judge the mental caliber of a candidate.
In broad terms this is really an assessment of not only his intellectual abilities but also social traits and his curiosity in day to day happenings of national and global importance. Some of the qualities to be judged are mental alertness, critical analysis and assimilation, clear and logical exposition. He needs balance of judgments, variety and depth of interests, ability for social cohesion and leadership, intellectual and moral integrity etc.
The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross-examination but of a natural, though directed and purposive conversation .It is intended to reveal the interpersonal skills of the candidate.
WBCS Personality Test Interview Preparation is not intended to be a test of the specialized or general knowledge of the candidates . It has been already tested through their written papers. Candidates are expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in their academic subjects but also in the events which are happening around them .
They need to know what is happening in both within and outside their own state or country as well as in modern currents of thought . Also you must have interest in new discoveries which should rouse the curiosity of well educated youth.
What is needed:
In WBCS Personality Test Interview Preparation, one is required to be diplomatic in taking up a stand and tackling the issues in a given circumstances. The precision of language, discipline of thought and lot of patience in placing the views are the prerequisites. Remember, your entire personality is going to be judged on every single word to be spoken there. Thus, one needs to be extra careful about selection of words while being interviewed.
The personality test requires the candidates to exhibit not only the art of balanced and precise thoughts, but also the art of delivering them or communicating them effectively. This simply indicates towards the need of a good strategy through experienced guidance and practice in right direction that’s all. There are students who have scored 140 plus marks in past examination . Most of the toppers and rank holders do get advantage due to their interview scores only.
A brief know how of the phenomenon called WBCS-Interview.
The WBCS Personality Test Interview Preparation or actual interview one of those wonderful experiences that one never forgets in one’s life time. It is one of the most prestigious and elite services available .WBCS interviews constitute a wide, diverse and a general understanding of literally everything under the sun.
Therefore, it demands maturity, humility, rationality, communicability, humbleness, presence of mind and of course, the extensive knowledge base. The knowledge criterion however, is already checked during main examination time. You know, rest of these things must be reflected in the personality test .It is required so that you are given good amount of marks which is decisive in your final ranking and success.
Go through what toppers say about this exam and interview.
Abraham Lincon, one of the most influential presidents of USA, has said, “If I was given six hours to chop a tree, I would spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
This saying suggests how good interview preparation for exams like WBCS can bring changes in one’s life. Your interview session may last for twenty minutes, thirty minutes, or an hour, but you have to prepare yourself for much longer period.
Generally, it is going to be 35 minutes or so, but not to worry, they would pass in a flash of seconds . By preparing ahead of an ensuing WBCS Personality Test Interview Preparation, you have given yourself a distinct advantage. Many of the aspirants develop a belief that they are smart enough to tackle the interview successfully .But there is no need for specific preparation for an interview. However, this belief turns fallacious and they do not fare as well in the interview .
Because they could have done better after through preparation. This happens not because of their lack of competence but because of lack of their right mental framework in the interview. You can only sharpen it through practice and desired cognitive realignment under expert’s guidance. Yes, amount of practice may vary from person to person depending upon one’s personality, maturity, education and exposure. So practice becomes an invariable component of a confident and high mark fetching performance in interview.
Therefore, need of the moment is to have a focused approach for interview. One great army general has said, “If you shed more sweat in peace, you will have to shed less blood in a battle.” Now what is true for a battle is true for an interview too. Therefore, keep yourself fully prepared before you face WBCS Personality Test Interview Preparation. This preparation will help you in two ways. First you will never feel surprised or awkward even if you face any unexpected question from the interviewers. Second, when you have prepared yourself fully, you develop confidence within you. With this confidence, you can ensure for yourself a well-accoladed, much better rank defining interview score.
For Mock interview of WBCS Group A,B,C,D ,by WBCS Group A Officers or toppers, call 8274048710 / 9674493673 or mail mailus@wbcsmadeeasy.in
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For Guidance of WBCS (Exe.) Etc. Preliminary , Main Exam and Interview, Study Mat, Mock Test, Guided by WBCS Gr A Officers , Online and Classroom, Call 9674493673, or mail us at – mailus@wbcsmadeeasy.in
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All available courses (click here for details).
- Prelims + Main + Interview (Classroom Foundation Course) weekend batches, @ Rs 49999 (with discount, for limited period for few centers). – Specially beneficial for students / officer goers / those want matured guidance.
- Prelims + Main + Interview (Online Foundation Course) weekend batches, @ Rs 29999 (with discount, for limited period). – Specially beneficial for students / officer goers / those want matured guidance.
- New course for Maths & Reasoning, weekly once, 6 months @ Rs 7500 (NEW COURSE).
- Mock Test for Prelims @ Rs 3499 (35 tests), online / classroom available.
- WBCS Prelims Subject Wise Chapter Wise Mock Test
- Mock Test for Main Exam @ Rs 3499 (30 tests), online / classroom available.
- Correspondence course for WBCS @ Rs 20000.
- Crash Course for WBCS Main exam @ Rs 20000.
- Optional Subjects @ Rs 9999 (weekly once, 6 months).