W.B.C.S. Exam Short Tricks For Reasoning Questions On Number Series.
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In every Competitive exam specially in WBCS Examination, in both preliminary and W.B.C.S. main exam, one of the most important section is Reasoning. You can score a great marks in competitive exams, if you get a good score in Reasoning test. You can achieve a good marks only if you have a depth knowledge of reasoning skills. Logically and type wise reasoning can be divided into few more sections. Calendar is one of them. Continue reading W.B.C.S. Exam Short Tricks For Reasoning Questions On Number Series.
We provide so many shortcut reasoning tricks and online mock tests. You need to learn those shortcut tricks carefully. You need to learn every topic of reasoning. Then purchase online PDF on reasoning or purchase reasoning books from the market. You can also download reasoning eBooks from online if it’s free. Then find out the practice sets in those books and solve those reasoning MCQ questions using tricks which you have learn here. This will show you the difference between usage of reasoning tricks and non usage of reasoning tricks. Our reasoning notes on Number Series will be your key success to your exam.
Now, we will discuss few important reasoning question answer and also discuss chapter Number Series in detail.
Basics of Number Series
In competitive exams various types of questions on numbers are asked. To solve these types of questions, you require a little common sense. This test depends on these concepts − “ascending order”, “descending order”, “preceded by”, “followed by” etc. Let’s discuss about ascending and descending order with examples.
Ascending Order
Ascending order means arrangement from smallest to greatest.
For example − Suppose we have to arrange following numbers in ascending order: 700, 650, 800, 550. Then the ascending order will be- 550, 650, 700, 800.
Descending Order
Descending order means the arrangement from greatest to smallest.
For example − Suppose we have to arrange this: 377, 490, 289, 356. Then the order will be- 490, 377, 356, 289.
For Example − What should come next in the following number sequence?
2 2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6
a – 2
b – 7
c – 8
d – 3
e – None of these
Solution − Here the series is as follows
2, 23, 234, 2345, 23456, 234567
So, the answer will be 7.
For Example −
The position of first and fifth digits in the number 84329517 is interchanged. Similarly, the positions of second and sixth digits are interchanged, and so on.
Which of the following will be second element from right end after rearrangement?
Solution −
After making the changes, we get the following arrangement − 95178432. Hence, the second digit from right end is 3.
Quicker Method −
There are 8 digits in the given number. Second digit from right end means 7th digit from left. In this question third and seventh digits are interchanged. Hence, answer will be 3.
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